23710 69th Ave E
Myakka City, FL 34251
Monday - Sat Appt Only
Sunday 9-5
When you buy from Somboun Nursery we are here for you every step on the way to make sure your tropical Fruit Tree flourishes. We will help you every step of the way from picking out the perfect tree to helping you plant your tree in the perfect spot that each tree needs to produce maximum fruit.
We teach each customer the perfect way to plant their trees and offer a special potting soil blend to help them grow
Each tree has special watering needs we will work wit you make sure you understands your trees watering needs
Not all trees are alike. Tropical Fruit Trees have different needs for lighting and shade.
One of the most common mistakes is irrigation. How to regulate the ground and moisture. we teach you how to how to keep your trees irrigated to the specificaiton your tree needs